Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 6th April 2012 Written Update

Posted by Andini Senin, April 9 0 komentar

Hari prakash gives Anjali some papayaand ...Arnav stops her saying she shouldn'teat papaya during pregnancy.
Anjali triesto argue but Arnav doesn't listen and tellsHP that he does't want to see even onepapaya in the house.
Khushi sees all thisand wonders how the man who loves hissister so much can hate her to this extent

She seems genuinely sad. Arnavsees the medicine Shyam and Khushi hadgot for her yesterday and Anjali is forcedto tell her the truth. Arnav gets panickedbut Anjali says that Khushi and Shyamtook care of her. Arnav is shocked to knowthis. He goes but HP comes saying that hefound something in his room which heforgot to give.

Anjali recognises that it'sShyam's mauli but doesn't suspect him.Arnav sees Khushi going upstairs andrecalls how he was so rude and harsh withher. He stops her and tells her that heknows the truth about Anjali's medicine,she should've told him. Khushi says shedoesn't need to tell him anything andleaves.

Arnav gets angry recalling howShyam had touched Khushi and howthey'd hugged. He thinks it doesn't matterif she got Anjali's medicine, she could'verefused to go with Shyam.Nani gives Shyam some prasad and he ishappy. He shows her a dhaga and saysthat his client told him this will get himhappiness.

He wants to give it to Arnavsince he seems tensed. Nani is happy thatShyam is worried about the family. Herequests Nani to give Arnav the dhagasince he will not take from his hands. Nanithinks it is a good idea. Just then, Arnavarrives and Nani goes to give it to him.

Itis revealed that through the thread,Shyam wants an insight into Arnav'swallet where the locker's key might bekept.Payal is trying to cheer Manorma up butshe is still upset since she again fell on thestage. She tells Payal to go away from herroom.

Nani tells Arnav that she wants him tokeep the thread in his wallet. Arnav sayshe doesn't believe in all this. Nani getsupset at this and starts to emotionallyblackmail him. Shyam also comes andtries to convince him in the name of Anjali.Arnav finally agrees tired of all the'emotional drama'. He starts to put it inthe wallet when Shyam bangs into himand his wallet falls. He apologises sayinghis leg slipped and picks the wallet up. Heis delighted to see that the key is there indeed. He gives it to Arnav and starts tothink of how to get that key now.Arnav comes and sees Khushi taking her clothes from the balcony.

He scolds her fordrying her clothes in the blacony. Khushi ignores him and tells HP to take the clothes and dry on the terrace. He can'tfind the file and again scolds Khushi forkeeping the room messily. Khushi giveshim the file and starts playing with Laxmi.

Arnav says it is good she isn't talking,easier to tolerate her and he doesn't wanther to come to the office either since hedoesn't want to see her face and sayssome hurtful things which get tears inKhushi's eyes Khushi decides she won'tcome in front of him now. She calls upMadhumati.Arnav is working in the balcony on hislaptop.

He calls Anjali to ask if she hastaken the medicine. He goes to look forKhushi but realises he hasn't seen her allday. He just thanks his stars and startsreading something. Finally, he feels sleepyand goes to the couch. He misses Khushiand recalls all the moments spent withher on their honeymoon night.

In the morning, he is woken up with thesound of windchimes. He turns to the bedand sees Khushi missing again. HP comesand tells him everyone has gone to thetemple. He gets ready and sees theSalman Khan poster and misses Khushiagain.At night, HP opens the door.

Arnav startslooking around the house and HP asks ifhe wants something. He nods in a no andgoes.In his room, he freshens up and wondersthat he didn't see Khushi even today.Finally, he tries to call her and sees somestars hanging. He recalls how she wantedto hang them on top of the bed.Finally, he goes outside and starts lookingfor Khushi around the house. Nani noticesthis and asks him who he is looking for. Hesays no one.

Description: Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 6th April 2012 Written Update Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Andini - ItemReviewed: Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 6th April 2012 Written Update
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