What This Weekend’s Box Office Says About Us!
Selasa, Maret 27

Well, that’s one way to prove yourself. ‘The Hunger Games,’ expectedly, did well this weekend at the box office, but what may have surprised people was exactly how well it did. Many prognosticators were predicting a $100 million weekend, but Katniss and the crew handily beat that to the tune of $155 million. With that, ‘The Hunger Games‘ has been crowned the new YA king, having dethroned the ‘Twilight‘ saga. Despite having four shots, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, and co. have never opened a movie that big. In a way, that’s comforting.
But, most importantly, what does this weekend’s box office say about us? Well, I have to admit I hate to compare ‘The Hunger Games’ to the ‘Twilight Saga’ because they’re so different. For example, one is great and one is terrible, but since they are the dominant YA titles turned films in the current market, it’s tough not to. But, maybe, just maybe, ‘The Hunger Games’ is helping to cure this nation of ‘Twilight’ fever. Who better to put a stake through the heart of Bella and her boys than Katniss Everdeen? Katniss is strong willed, independent and headstrong, but still, at times, unsure of herself. In short, she’s human and relatable. Bella just spends her time waiting for boys to save her. Yech!
If you’ve read the books, it’s hard to see ‘The Hunger Games’ without finding something to nitpick. I, for one, think the idea of the dogs having the eyes of dead contestants gives it much more weight than them just being dogs, but that may just be me. Further, I think the film was an action movie and to that end lost the satire bent that is so relevant in the book. Having said that, the film was great. I have my reservations about what exactly it accomplished seeing as how the crowd in my theater cheered when Thresh killed Clove, but what can you do? America loved it and that’s okay. America, you made the right choice this weekend. Sure, it was really the only choice, but still. I guess you could have not gone to the movies at all. Description: What This Weekend’s Box Office Says About Us! Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Andini - ItemReviewed: What This Weekend’s Box Office Says About Us!

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